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"419" Scam – Advance Fee / Fake Lottery Scam

The so-called "419" scam is a type of fraud dominated by criminals from Nigeria and other countries in Africa. Victims of the scam are promised a large amount of money, such as a lottery prize, inheritance, money sitting in some bank account, etc.

Victims never receive this non-existent fortune but are tricked into sending their money to the criminals, who remain anonymous. They hide their real identity and location by using fake names and fake postal addresses as well as communicating via anonymous free email accounts and mobile phones.

Keep in mind that scammers DO NOT use their real names when defrauding people.
The criminals either abuse names of real people or companies or invent names or addresses.
Any real people or companies mentioned below have NO CONNECTION to the scammers!

Read more about such scams here or in our 419 FAQ. Use the Scam-O-Matic to verify suspect emails.

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Some comments by the Scam-O-Matic about the following email:

Fraud email example:

From: "David Moore" (may be fake)
Reply-To: <>
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2014 09:22:33 -0800
Subject: Compensation Alert

Financial Intelligent Monetary Services ( FIMS)
56 Avenue Melbourne Australia
Tel- +614-88804163
Fax- +61280155650
Reference order /ASXX/PO0-65RV

Scam Compensation approved sum of $4.9 million United States dollars, the sum was approved through World Bank mass assisted project in Australia.

Attn Scam Victim

We wish to inform you that your scam compensation sum of $4.9 million united states dollars approved through world bank mass assisted project, we have severally called you on phone without response and also send you an email without correspondence from you, , are you willing and ready to receive your compensation ? Call me on this number (+614-88804163), you have to respond as soon as you receive this message because we have your compensation file submitted by World Bank external auditors and did not hear anything from you. International global security watchers reported different scams and their mouthwatering proposals. You will never have an opportunity of this nature so your destiny and survival is in your hands.

1, most times they will contact you to help them claim some certain amount of money as next of kin, 2, they will send different manners of mouthwatering proposals of how you become a contractor of some over-invoice amount, they will present you as inheritor to some funds, even went to the extent of promising you marriage which will still end up extorting your hard earned money, they used different means and stories like buying of gold and precious stones and scraps which also will result to scam in the end, most times they impersonates and offer you job opportunities that still end in extorting your hard earned money and also uses ATM system reap you off . Their intentions have always been to wreck you financially and emotionally because nothing good will be archived in the end. We have every information about how they operate through the security INTEL of international security watchers, they impersonate with fabricated documents without AICD security
chip. They impersonate FBI and other security offices to intimidate you to send them money or you will go to jail. You will hear more as soon as you respond to this message.

Warning, those crooks impersonates names and offices of highly placed government officials just to dupe you, please the funds in your name is the world bank mass assisted project funds approved in your name through world bank mass assisted project, the funds was approved so that you can invest into your own private business, it serves as help to your financial growth, it serves as debt reconciliation. Calculate how much you have sent to them yet not even a cent has been given to you, for how long will you believe them? Please don’t waste time to contact us for more information’s.

Finally, you will be surprise to hear more but be happy that World Bank mass assisted project has come to your rescue.


David Moore

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