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"419" Scam – Advance Fee / Fake Lottery Scam

The so-called "419" scam is a type of fraud dominated by criminals from Nigeria and other countries in Africa. Victims of the scam are promised a large amount of money, such as a lottery prize, inheritance, money sitting in some bank account, etc.

Victims never receive this non-existent fortune but are tricked into sending their money to the criminals, who remain anonymous. They hide their real identity and location by using fake names and fake postal addresses as well as communicating via anonymous free email accounts and mobile phones.

Keep in mind that scammers DO NOT use their real names when defrauding people.
The criminals either abuse names of real people or companies or invent names or addresses.
Any real people or companies mentioned below have NO CONNECTION to the scammers!

Read more about such scams here or in our 419 FAQ. Use the Scam-O-Matic to verify suspect emails.

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Some comments by the Scam-O-Matic about the following email:

Fraud email example:

From: "" <>
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2013 03:00:53 +0100 (CET)

Dear Friend,
I know that you will be wondering how i got your informations,well i searched
with foreign chamber of Commerce and i got your details prayed over it for some
days with my younger brother and i got Gods directions,my name is Rhoda
Phillips Koffi and my younger brothers name is Peter Phillips Koffi,were the
only surviving children of late Mr.Phillips Koffi from west Africa Ghana
Ashanti Region,
sir what am about to tell you now,our lives and future depends on it because
it is the only fortune left for us by our late parents,Sir my brother and I
have nobody to help us as it's stands now and our only trusted Maternal Uncle
who promised to help us to get a foreign person that will help us secure our
funds that is been deposited in Spain Madrid by our late Parents and the 100
kilos of Gold bars deposited here in the security company in Accra was killed
last two months in Kenya and since then life has been hell for us,

Please Sir we are begging you in the name of God that your our only hope to
secure this 100 Kilos of Gold bars and the $8,800.000.00 United states dollars
deposited in Spain Madrid and we are ready to offer you any percentage you may
want from the funds which is being deposited in Spain Madrid,but the most
important now is the 100 kilos of Gold Bars which deposited here in Ghana
because the security company has been calling to inform my brother and I about
the claims of this consignment containing 100 kilos of Gold bars,

We are Orphans and we need your help now sir,the only thing needed for the
claims of this 100 kilos of Gold bars in the security company is the demur-
rages and also the documents to ship down to you anywhere in the world for you
so that you can sell it and to have enough money for us and also to claim the
fund deposited in Spain,

Sir my brother and I are suffering here because we don't have anybody to help
us as we speak and my brother is just 22 years old and i am 24 years old,we are
ready to do anything for you and according to your profile,your capable of
helping us secure this Gold bars and the fund deposited in Spain Madrid,

According to the world market today a kilo of gold bar is $43,000,but you can
sell it cheaper over there just to make sure that it is sold as soon as
possible to help my brother and I to leave this country before anything happens
to us here,
Please we need you help sir and also if i hear from you,i will give you all
the details of how we can get the Gold bars out and also i will give you the
details were the funds is deposited in Spain Madrid,

We will be waiting to hearing from you sir,
Thank you,
Yours sincerely,
Rhoda Phillips Koffi & Peter Phillips Koffi

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