From: "Mr. Kingston Lee.(UNMOVIC)" <>
Date: Sun, 30 May 2010 00:23:20 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: Cash deliver direct to your convenient pick-up location.
Attn: Beneficiary,
I am Mr. Kingston Lee. , Compliance Officer, United Nations Monitoring,
Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC) Dakar. This office is
responsible for investigating and resolving legitimate unpaid contract /
Inheritance/Lotto funds owed to companies and individuals which have been
delayed due to many abnormalities that had happened in the apex
As you must understand, a huge amount of money $2.4 million has been found
in the international computer data system registered in your favour
irrespectively, but it is difficult to initiate the transfer procedure
because of too many fraudulent or worthless emails received and
considerable costs involved in your funds.
Thus, do reconfirm
Your First Name.......
Last Name.............
Phone.................via this email: imf-wss-imadanyna3@msn.comor to label your details as the lawful beneficiary to claim and
receive this said fund according to our normal payment schedule and once
the approval is procure we will deliver the money in cash in US Dollars
directly to your doorstep in 24 to 48 hours If no convenient pick-up
location, arrange can be made to any commercial or savings bank.
Finally be inform that your funds are fully free of any liens or
encumbrances and are clean, clear and non-criminal origin and are
available to pick up, this guarantee is witness by the international bank
of settlement world wild.
I strongly urge you to respond as soon as possible before the enforced
Respectfully yours,
Mr. Kingston Lee.
United Nations Monitoring Verification and Inspection Commission.
(UNMOVIC) Security Council Senegal Dakar.